FR Haul In Contract Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Visitor Name *FirstLast#1 Horses Name: *#2 Horses Name:Additional Responsible Party Name (if different – required for riders under 18)FirstLastPhone Number *Email *Todays Date (no dashes or slashes just numbers) *Read and 'initial' every box by checking it *I have completed waivers for myself and any guest, any applicable contracts.I have read, agree to and signed an agreement to all barn rules.I have submitted a copy of my current coggins to [email protected] .I understand that my horse is my responsibility and I am responsible for any and all of it’s care and well being as well as financially responsible for any damage it may cause.I understand there are other riders and horses at the facility. I do not hold the facility or any representative of the facility responsible for any injury or damage to myself or my horse.I understand all riders or guests under 18 will be accompanied by an adult at all times.I understand riders must come dressed for riding safety and for the weather. Riders MUST be in heeled boots. ASTM certified helmets are required for all riders under 18. If Visitor does not wear these items, Visitor assumes the increased risk of injury or death associated with failing to wear such protective attire. Visitor agrees that Owner has no duty to provide safety attire for Visitor.I understand I am responsible for any and all damage to property or persons caused by myself, my guests or my horse(s).I understand I am allowed to ride during approved times and in approved areas only. During that time, I will yield to lessons and boarders.I understand that on the rare occasion that the facility must be closed, FR will, if possible, reschedule the event. FR will refund me my deposit should the new time not work for me.I understand and agree that I will provide my own tack and supplies when on property. I do not have access to the barn alley, tack room or supplies.I understand there is no racing and no jumping beyond what’s acceptable for versatile ranch horse trail course.I understand that tack I own and bring is my responsibility. Should I leave tack on premises for any reason, it is subject to storage fees and considered abandoned after 10 days. (Note: this does NOT apply to boarders.)I understand that up to date information is shared on the Foster Road Friends Facebook for lessons and the Foster Road Ranch Facebook page for public events and any information shared there is considered a ‘communication’ from FR.Signature *FirstLastI take full responsibility for all statements checked above and understand my presence at Foster Road Ranch is contingent on the above being completed. My name above represents my signature and my acknowledgement of and agreement to all contained herein. *Submit