Foster Road Rules Contract Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Participant Name *FirstLastResponsible Party Name (if applicable)FirstLastPhone Number *Email *Todays Date (no dashes or slashes just numbers) *Read and 'initial' every box by checking it *I am personally responsible for all family or guests of mine that are under 18I am personally responsible for all of my guests behaviorI will have no more than 2 guests at a time without prior barn approvalI, and my guests, will abide by all posted signs on Foster Road property.I, and my guests, will abide by all posted barn and feed room rules.I understand all posted signs, barn rules and feed room rules.I understand posted signs, information sheets and rules may change. I understand it is my responsibility to know and adhere to all current posted signs, information sheets and rules.I understand there are fees associated with breaking certain posted rules. I understand those fees and consequences are included on the posted rules. I agree to pay listed fees and endure the consequences.I have completed the appropriate Liability Releases provided by the barn.I will ensure anyone I bring to the barn will complete the appropriate Liability Release provided by the barn. I know this applies to adults and children of any age.I understand all lesson riders and responsible parties (parents) know and will abide by the information provided on the barn’s posted lesson information sheet.If a boarder, I have completed a boarding contract, intake and provided all necessary documentation to the barn in a timely manner (before horses arrival). I realize there is an outtake form that must be completed by myself and FR representative when I leave FR as a boarder.I understand and agree that this is an attachment to any other agreement I have with Foster Road Ranch. This does not amend those agreements in any way.I understand that up to date information is shared on the Foster Road Friends Facebook page and any information shared there is considered a ‘communication’ from FR.Signature *FirstLastI take full responsibility for all statements checked above and understand my presence at Foster Road Ranch is contingent on the above being completed. My name above represents my signature and my acknowledgement of and agreement to all contained herein. *Submit