Foster Road Horseman sponsors are acknowledged on our Website and Social Media when their donation is made. Our committee, made up of Bridle and Two Rein sponsors and our trainers, reviews applicants between 10/1 – 11/1 for the following year. Once awarded applicants are selected and notified, they are awarded their scholarships for the following year at the Foster Road Horseman’s Open House. This is also the time we distribute your Sponsorship gifts and hang new arena banners. We also then celebrate the current years participants and sponsors!


Contribution level $3500

Change a horseman’s life for a year!

Foster Road Bridle Sponsor Ariat vest

Foster Road hat and t-shirt

Sponsor highlights on social media

Special sponsor highlight on the website

Premium placement on Foster Road Arena banner

*$500 additional contribution for solo banner in addition

Year end Horseman’s open house

Two Rein

Contribution level $1700

Foster Road Two Rein Sponsor sports pullover

Foster Road hat and t-shirt

Special sponsor highlight on the website

Advanced placement on Foster Road Arena banner

Year end Horseman’s open house


Contribution level $800

Foster Road Hackamore Sponsor hat

Foster Road t-shirt

Sponsor highlight on the website

Special placement on Foster Road Arena banner

Year end Horseman’s open house

Snaffle Bit

Contribution level $250

Foster Road Snaffle Bit Sponsor t-shirt

Sponsor highlight on the website

Placement on Foster Road Arena banner

Year end Horseman’s open house

Interested in becoming a sponsor? Contact us or fill out the commitment form below!


Please submit media graphics for online and banner to Foster Road Ranch.